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84歳,男性。潰瘍を伴う持続性勃起状態を主訴に来院した。陰茎は無痛性の勃起状態で,陰茎背部から亀頭部は潰瘍を形成していた。左鼠径リンパ節が径3cmに腫大していた。陰茎海綿体および左鼠径リンパ節の針生検を施行し,病理診断はmalignantlymphoma,diffuse,medium sized cell,B-cell typeであった。陰茎背部潰瘍から著しい出血を来し止血が困難となったため,陰茎全摘除術を施行したのちに化学療法(half-dose CHOP)を3クール施行した。
A 84-year-old man visited us with a chief complaint of priapism. His penile shaft presented with ulceration on the glans and dorsal skin of the penis. Left inguinal lymph node was swollen 3 cm in diameter. Needle biopsy of the corpus cavernosum and the left inguinal lymph node was performed, which revealed a malignant lymphoma, characterized by diffuse, medium sized cell, B-cell type according to the LSG classification. Radiological evaluation did not detect any other obvious mass except penile shaft and left inguinal lymph node, resulting in stage II E according to the Ann Arbor's classification.

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