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患者は51歳,男性。数年前より排尿困難を自覚していたが,尿閉となり受診した。直腸診,前立腺超音波検査,逆行性尿道膀胱造影では,下部尿路閉塞は認めなかった。神経学的にはバビンスキー反射は陽性で,血清,髄液中に抗HTLV-I抗体を認め,成人T細胞白血病ウイルス関連ミエロパチー(human T-lymphotropic virus type I associated myelopathy:HAM)と診断された。尿閉,尿意切迫に対して自己間欠導尿と抗コリン剤で管理している。
The patient was a 51-year-old male with urinary retention. Digital rectal examination, prostatic ultrasonography and retrograde cystourethrography did not reveal obstruction of lower urinary tract. The examination showed Babinski reflex and anti-HTLV I antibody in his cerebrospinal fluid and blood. He was diagnosed as human T-lymphotropic virus type I associated myelopathy (HAM). The symptom of urinary retention and urgency was managed by clean intermittent catheterization and anticholinergic medicine.

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