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47歳,男性。肉眼的血尿を主訴に来院。膀胱右側壁に5cm大の腫瘍を認め,末梢血液検査で白血球数は19,900/mm3であった。膀胱全摘除術後,白血球数は正常化したが,骨盤内再発とともに白血球数は186,000/mm3 まで増加した。血清G-CSF濃度は103pg/mlと高値を示し,G-CSF特異抗体を用いた免疫染色で腫瘍細胞内に陽性像が認められたため,G-CSF産生膀胱腫瘍と診断した。術後4か月で癌性悪液質のために死亡した。本症例はG-CSF産生膀胱腫瘍の本邦報告16例目と思われた。
A 47-year-old man with locally invasive bladder tumorwas admitted to our hospital complaining macroscopichematuria. The laboratory examination showed leukocytosisof 19900/mm3 in the peripheral blood. Although totalcystectomy provided a normalization of leukocyte count,leukocytosis recurred (186,000/mm3) and CT scan revealedlocal recurrence in 28 days after operation. This case seemedto be the 16th case of bladder carcimoma producting G-CSF reported in Japan with increased level of serum G-CSF (103pg/ml) and positive immunohistochemical stain-ing for G-CSF. The patient died through cahexia in 4 monthsafter operation.
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