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51歳未婚女性。尿道出血を主訴に当院婦人科に来院した。外尿道口に20 mm,黒褐色の充実性腫瘤を認め,生検で悪性黒色腫と診断され、当科に入院となった。明らかな転移を認めず,前方骨盤内臓器摘出術・回腸導管造設術を施行した。術後,免疫療法として.ピシバニールの皮下注を20か月間施行したが,多発性肺転移により術後22か月で死亡した。女性尿道に発生した黒色腫は本邦22例目と思われる。
A 51-year old unmarried woman with a complaint of urethral bleeding visited obsterics and gynecology ser-vice of our hospital and was referred to us. The tumor at external orifice was black, solid and 20mm in size. Biopsy was done and histological diagnosis was malig-nant melanoma. No obvious metastasis was detected and, anterior pelvic exenteration with ileal conduit was performed. Immunotherapy of Picivanil as adjuvant ther-apy were continued for 20 months, however, she died of multiple alung metastasis in 22 momths after operation. This is 22nd case of female urethral melanoma in Japanese literature.
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