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79歳の男性が左上腹部腫瘤,肉限的血尿を主訴に来院した。入院後の血液検査でCA19-9が1970U/mlと異常高値を示した。諸検査にて腫瘤は左尿管腫瘍による巨大水腎症であることが判明した。左一側尿路全摘術を施行したが,その後CA 19-9は順調に下降し,術後9週で正常域に回復した。腫瘍部こおけるCA 19-9の免疫染色(ABC法)でもCA 19-9陽性を示す細胞がみられた。
A 79-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with the complaints of left upper quadrant mass and gross hematuria. The level of serum CA 19-9 showed 1970u/ml, which was extremely high. The mass revealed to be the left huge hydronephrosis due to the ureter tumor. Left nephroureterectomy was done and the level of CA 19-9 recovered to normal range (37 u/ml) at 9 weeks after the opera-tion. Attempted to examine carcinoma cells by ABC-peroxidase stain technique, we found CA 19-9 positive cells in a part of the carcinoma cells.

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