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患者は76歳,男性。鼻腔の悪性リンパ腫を治療中,右陰嚢内に腫瘤を認め,当科へ紹介された。右副睾丸尾部に石様硬の腫瘤を触知し,増大傾向にあったため,悪性リンパ腫の浸潤を疑い,右高位除睾術を施行。病理診断は,副鼻腔と同じく,副睾丸限局のdiffusehistiocytic lymphomaであった。また,強い線維化を伴い一部結節を形成していた。現在良好な経過をとっている。
The 76-year-old male had been treated with combined chemotherapy for a malignant lymphoma in the nasal cavity. As a stony hard mass was palpable in his right scrotum, a right orchitectomy was performed. The mass was a diffuse histiocytic lymphoma, similar to the parenchyma of his nasal cavity. It exhibited a nodular pattern with marked diffuse sclerosis. The lymphoma, which was limited within the epididymis, did not infiltrate into testis, the vas deferens or spermatic cord. Twelve months after the operation, the patient is doing well without any anticancer treatment.
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