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31歳の男性で,右精巣上皮腫(stage Ⅰ)にて右高位除睾術および補助化学療法(VAB-VI)を施行後,経過観察中1年6ヵ月後に胸部X線検査にて右肺野に貨幣状陰影を認め,肺転移と術前診断し,肺部分切除術を施行したところ多発性肺過誤腫の合併であつた症例を報告した。
A 31-year-old man was admitted with a diagnosis of metastatic lung tumor. He had right orchiec-tomy and chemotherapy (VAB-VI) for clinical stage I seminoma 18 months ago. In the follow-up examination, chest X-ray revealed coin lesion in the right middle lobe close to the central shadow. Chest CT scan revealed another smaller lesion at right chest wall. Serum AFP and hCG-β levels were within normal limits. Thoracotomy was carried out and tumor were resected. Histological examination revealed multiple pulmonary hamartomas. This was considered the 6th report of testicular germ cell tumor associated with (pulmonary) hamartoma.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.