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Inverted papillomaは比較的稀な尿路上皮の良性腫瘍である。その大部分は膀胱に発生し,ときに,前立腺部尿道にも見られる。しかし,上部尿路由来のものは極めて稀である。
最近,著者ら(近藤・他)は尿管の1例のin-verted papillomaを経験し,本邦初例として報告したが1),その後,1975年から1979年までの5年間に集められた92例の尿管の手術材料を再検討した結果,更に2例のinverted papillomaを得たので,追加報告するとともに,上部尿路のinverted papillomaについて文献的に症例を集め考察を加える。
With rapidly increasing reported cases, inverted papilloma of the urinary bladder seems to be no longer a rare pathologic condition, however, its ureteral origin is so far a quite a rare. We re-examined 92 surgical materials taken from the ureter and found 2 new cases of inverted papilloma in addition to the one arising from the lower end of ureter previously reported. Both cases were males aged 68 and 55, respectively and showed pedunculated polypous tumors in the ureter. Five other cases of the upper urinary tract in English literature were reviewed.

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