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尿路臓器に対する手術では術後の尿漏出は多くの場合さけられない。従来はアメゴム,ビニールシートなどを創内へ残し,ドレーンとして使用していた。われわれは約7年前からclosed-wound suction,閉鎖式創内吸引器(Hemovac, Zimmer,USA)を全手術症例の約半数に用いている。本装置は陰圧下に尿,分泌物などを創内より積極的に吸引し,創治癒促進に有効である。術後5日目にsuction tubeの先端部分約7cmが体内で離断された症例について報告する。
A pyelolithotomy was performed for 2 stones present in the left kidney, where a smaller stone could not be found and removed in spite of the careful manipulation for the period of 60 min. Fur-thermore on the 5th post-op day the closed-wound suction tube (Hemovac, Zimmer, USA) was severed at 73mm from the distal end when pulled out strongly and was left inside the wound. After ambulation, the stone fell down to the ureterovesical junction which obstructed the urinary passage and induced the pyelitis and perinephritis. On the 18th day, the stone and tube were removed surgically.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.