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精嚢腺嚢胞はまれな疾患とされ,1872年SmithがHydrocele of the Seminal vesicleとして報告して以来,内外文献上に30数例をみるにすぎない。しかもこれらの中にも後述するように真の意味での精嚢腺嚢胞以外の類似の疾患も含まれており,実際の頻度はもっと少ないものと考えられる。最近われわれは1例を経験したので,以前の症例(田端,昭40報告)をも加えてここに報告する。
Two cases of cyst of the spermatovesicule, located right above the prostate on the midline, were discovered by spermatovesiculography in a 28 and 18 years old male with the chief complaint of hemospermia. A mass was palpable above the prostate on the midline by rectal examination which lead to the differential diagnosis of cyst of the Müller's duct in one of the cases and findings by surgery were quite different from the cases in the literature in the anatomical structure but finally the diagnosis of cyst of the seminal vesicule was confirmed. Hemospermia disappeared in both cases, postoperatively, but became azoospermic.

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