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疾患および手術々式の分類形式は1962年度のInternational Classification of Diseases, Adapted(通称ICDA)の分類に従つた。当教室では1964年度からこの分類法を行なつており前回は臨床皮膚泌尿器科20巻,11号,1079〜1083頁に報告している。この分類法は国際的に最も広く取り入れられているが決して完璧なものとは云い難く,いくつかの欠点も見出し得るが,利用方法によつて多くの有益な点があり高く評価できるものと考えられる。
Clinical statistics on inpatients and operations done in 1965 was presented. The classification of diseases and operation followed the International Classification of Diseases, Adapted of 1962.
The total number of outpatients was 4,090, which has increased in 4.9% compaired to the previous year, but details were not discussed.
The total number of inpatients were 411 and the variety of diseases were 526 and the incidence were discussed.
512 major and minor surgerys were performed and the variety and its incidence were discussed.
Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.