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術後に生じた皮下ポケットを伴う開放創に陰圧閉鎖療法(vacuum-assisted closure therapy,以下VAC療法)を行い,良好な結果が得られたため報告する。症例1は膀胱周囲膿瘍術後に下腹部正中創が離開したためにVAC療法を施行し,4週間で治癒した。症例2は陰囊膿瘍術後の広汎な開放創にVAC療法を2週間施行。創部はほぼ閉鎖したために,その後は従来の創処置を行い開放創出現から4週間で治癒に至った。
Vacuum-assisted closure therapy(negative pressure wound therapy)has widely been used to treat chronic wounds which is difficult to cure such as bedsore. We applied this technique for open wounds after operations of urological infection demonstrated below. Case 1:A 65-year-old woman underwent debridment for pericystitis after extraperitoneal bladder rupture. Since open wound remained in spite of meticulous treatment for 4 weeks after operation,we started VAC therapy and the wound healed completely after 4 weeks. Case 2:We performed high orchiectomy and debridment for scrotal abcess in a 76-year-old man but surgical wound had opened. This wound was successfully treated by VAC therapy after 5 weeks.

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