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患者は83歳,男性。数年前より両側の無痛性陰囊腫大に気づいたが放置していた。その後,陰囊部が徐々に腫大したため当科を受診した。初診時,右陰囊部は新生児頭大に,左陰囊部は手拳大に腫大していた。単純CTでは内部はwater densityで,精巣は萎縮を認めず,内部均一であった。両側陰囊水腫の診断のもと,両側陰囊水腫根治術を施行した。内容液は,右側が黄色透明,漿液性で650ml,左側が褐色透明,漿液性で350mlであり,いずれも細胞診は陰性であった。余剰漿膜の病理組織学的検査では,両側とも線維性に肥厚した漿膜で,悪性所見は認められなかった。両側合わせて1,000mlを超える巨大陰囊水腫は,本邦報告例では自験例を加えて19例が報告されている。
An 83-year-old man visited our hospital, because bilateral scrotal contents were progressively enlarged without pain. Physical examination revealed that right scrotal content was child-head sized and left one was fist-sized. CT scan demonstrated the water-like density fluid in bilateral scrotum, while bilateral testes were normal-sized and homogeneous. Diagnosis of bilateral hydrocele testes was made followed by bilateral hydrocelectomies. The fluid content was 650 ml of yellowish clear serofluid on the left and 350 ml of brownish clear serofluid on the right. Cytological examination was negative bilaterally, and pathological examination revealed no malignant change in tunica vaginalis. Until now, 19 cases with huge testicular hydrocele with over 1,000 ml in content have been reported in the Japanese literature.

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