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1971年Tappcinerら1)は3〜7カ月の幼児のオムツカブレに引続いて,オムツの当る臀部,大腿屈側部に数個乃至10数個の赤色結節を生じた6症例を報告し,臨床所見ならびに病理学的所見より未だ記載されていない独立疾患であるとして,Granuloma glutaeale infantumなる新名称を堤唱している.
Two cases of this disease in a 4- and 6-month-old boy were reported. It developed after the recovery of the severe diaper dermatitis, and was composed of red nodules, up to 20 mm in diameter on the thihgs, perianal, and genitofemoral regions.
Histologic specimens showed the non-specific granulomatous reaction in the upper dermis, composed of edema, dilated capillaries, lymphocytes, histiocytes, neutrophils and losinophils. Microabscesses with neutrophils and eosinophils were proved in the case 1. PAS stain of the tissue section failed to prove the fungus element, and gram-positive granules in and around the histiocytes in the case I were proved. The meaning of the latter finding could not be determined.
Topical treatment with the ointment containing steroid and antibiotics for 3-4 months cured the erup-tions.

Copyright © 1972, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.