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乳房外Paget病,ことに外陰部のPaget病の発生病因に関する研究は数多い.表皮層内にPaget細胞が出現する疾患をPagct病とし,一般にはapocrine排泄管由来とされているが,初発部位の相違により表皮内発生のものと皮膚付属器などの腫瘍が転移しておこつた表皮続発性のものとがある.表皮原発性のものもcarcinoma in situの状態から腫瘍細胞が真皮内へ浸潤し,遠隔転移をおこす場合もみられている.
A case of genital Paget's disease associated with Candida infection in a 53-year-old woman was reported. In the initial stage this case was thought to be primary intraepidermal Paget's disease. In spite of the treatment with topical application of bleomycin and 5-fluorouracil, the Paget's cells transferred to the dermis, the regional lymph nodes and the lung. The radiation therapy by betatron and cobalt2: were done the lesion of Paget's carcinoma.
Histopathological examination reuealed Paget's cells and malignant dyskeratotic cells in the epidermis. By electron microscopy Paget's cells, malignant dyskeratotic cells and keratinocytes resembling to these malignant cells were demonstrated.

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