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環状肉芽腫Granuloma annulareは1895年Foxによって第1例が報告されて以来,欧米および本邦においてかなり多数の報告に接することが出来る。しかるにその汎発例(汎発性環状肉芽腫generalized granuloma annulare)は極めて稀有であり,最近の藤沢1)の報告によると本邦における123例の環状肉芽腫中わずか5例が認められるにすぎないという。我々は最近本症の1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察とともに報告する。
Very few cases of generalized granuloma annulare have been reported in Japan.
A 75-year-old man of this disease was reported, and statistical studies on 9 reported cases in Japan including 7 men and 2 women were performed. Their age of the onset fell from 50 to 75 years of age, and the affected areas were mainly the trunk and extremities or entire body surface. There was no case with lesions limited to the exposed areas. One thirds of cases had small papules accompanied by typical annular lesions.
The etiology of this disease is unknown. but there is an increasing tendency to support polyetiologic mechanisms of the development of the dermatosis.
Exciting causes, e. g. some drug, sunlight, etc. could not be proved in the author's case.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.