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搾乳者結節は乳牛を飼つている国ではほぼどこでも発症しているようである1)が,我国では,本症のself-limited diseaseであることが経験的に知られているため,医療を受けることが少いとも考えられるが4)11),わずか3例2)3)4)の報告をみるにすぎない(第1表)。
An 18-year-old dairyman had 2 excoriations on the dorsum of the left hand by barbed-wire entanglements on June 1, 1968, but he did not stop milking. He found papules in the part of the healed excoriations, which enlarged gradually and became two dark red, spherical nodules 9 and 6 mm. in diameter, with a red irregular areola around them. He noticed swelling of the lymph node in the left axilla, and visited our outpatient service on June 5, 1968.
Histologic specimen showed marked hyperkeratosis with partial parakeratosis, intra-epidermal bulla formation accompanied by reticular degeneration, marked inflammatory infiltration and formation of capillaries.
Virologic studies could not be performed' but a diagnosis of milker's nodule was made from the history and clinical as well as histologic findings.
Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.