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結合織母斑はNaevus elasticus regionismammariae(Lewandowsky)1),Pflastersteinförmige Bindegewebsnaevi(Lipschütz)2),Dystrophie élastique folliculaire thoracique(héréditaire?)(With et Kissmeyer)3),Naevuspseudocoloïde périfolliculaire(Montpellier etLacroix)4)等の名称で報告されてきたが,1926年Gutmann5)によりこの疾患の概念が明確にされ,さきにSachs20)よつて唱えられたBindegewebsnaeviの称呼を用いるに至つて,この名称が一般化するに至つた。本邦にあつては,昭和3年山本6)の本症の単発例の報告をもつて嚆矢とし今日迄23例7)〜19)が報告されているにすぎず,比較的稀な疾患に属するといえる。
On the basis of reported 23 cases and the author's own 2 cases of connective tissue nevus in Japan, the authors presented a following classification.
1. Localized type. a) Shagreen type. b) Macular type.
2. Systematized nodular type.
3. Disseminated or generalized type.
Case 1 : Localized shagreen type.
A 35-year-old man had the lesion at birth. On his first visit, there was a palm-sized lesion on the right chest composed of numerous discrete papules, which were flat-topped, miliary to ricegrain-sized, round or polygonal and fawn-colored.
Histologic specimens showed proliferation of thickened and homgenous collagen fibers in the upper and middle dermis, where elastic fibers disappeared. Arrector pili-like muscle bundles were scattered in the middle dermis.
Case 2 : Localized macular type.
A 20-year-old man noted the lesion in his childhood. On his first visit, there were four plapues in the lumbar region, each of which was 5 cm. in diameter and composed of elevated, normal or yellowish-white colored nodules or tumors in the size of a bean.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.