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副咽頭間隙(Parapharyngeal space)はその底面を頭蓋底におく逆ピラミッド状の間隙で,外側壁を翼突筋,下顎骨,耳下腺深葉,顎二腹筋後腹,内側壁を咽頭粘膜,後壁を椎前筋膜により形成され,その内部に頸動脈,静脈,舌咽神経,迷走神経,副神経,交感神経幹,副咽頭リンパ節など種種の臓器を含む1)。したがってここにはさまざまな腫瘍が発生し得るとともに,位置的関係により腫瘍が発生した場合,長期間無症状で経過し,かなりの大きさになって初めて臨床症状を呈し,治療に難儀することが少なくない。
Twelve cases of parapharyngeal tumor were treated in our clinic between 1980 and 1990.
We investigated the difference between pre-and post-operative diagnosis retrospectively.
Two cases were considered as cyst preoperatively and it was confirmed postoperatively.
A case diagnosed as having hemangioma was actually Schwannoma.
Four tumors in the pre-styloid compartment were diagnosed as salivary gland tumors, but three were correct but one was hemangioma.
A post-styloid mass was diagnosed as para-ganglioma and it was confirmed postoperatively.
In 4 cases considered as neurogenic tumor, three were correct but one was hemangioma.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.