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側頭骨内で顔面神経を障害する腫瘍性疾患には,顔面神経自身から発生するものと,周囲組織から発生し,同神経を圧迫,浸潤して障害するものがある。前者の代表的疾患は顔面神経鞘腫であり,後者には聴神経腫瘍,真珠腫,glomus juglare tumor,血管腫,髄膜腫,くも膜嚢胞,あるいは悪性腫瘍の側頭骨浸潤,転移などがある。
A 56-year-old male developed a slowly progressed pulsating tinnitus, a hearing loss and incomplete facial palsy. X-ray examinations showed destruc-tion of the petrous bone. CT scan and MRI revealed a tumor shadow growing from petrous bone to the middle cranial fossa and mastoid antrum. The tumor was successfully removed by subtemporal and transmastoid approach technique, and was microscopically diagnosed as meningioma confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. The intratemporal facial nerve was removed with tumor, and its distal part was examined histolo-gically.
About 50% nerve fibers were damaged by tumor invasion, though facial palsy score was 32/40 clinically.

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