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振子様扁桃は日常診療でしばしば遭遇する病態であり,これまで耳鼻咽喉科領域からも多くの症例が報告されている。有茎性で呼吸や嚥下運動に伴って受動するものが一般に振子様扁桃と称されているが,そのなかでも扁桃組織と異なる組織型を有したものは広義の振子様扁桃として分類されている。今回われわれは,そのなかでも比較的稀な組織型であるfibroepithelial polyp例を経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する。
Pendulous tonsils are often encountered clinical practice. This physiopathology has been frequently reported in the field of otorhinolaryngology. Among the different categories, tissue with a stalk that is moved by respiration and swallowing motion that is not tonsillar tissue is classified in the type 3 category. We report our experiences in a case of fibroepithelial polyp, which is relatively rare. The patient was a 46-year-old man;his chief complaint was difficulty during swallowing. The tonsils were resected to prevent malignancy. Moreover, actinomycetes-induced chronic infection was found on the surface and crypts of the removed tonsil.

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