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鼻・副鼻腔乳頭腫は比較的稀な良性腫瘍であるが,再発率が高く時に癌に併発したりあるいは癌化をきたすことがあるため,臨床上注意を要する疾患の一つである。また最近ではヒトパピローマウイルス(human papillomavirus:HPV)の関与も報告1,2)されている。今回われわれは当科で経験した10例の鼻・副鼻腔乳頭腫について臨床的および免疫組織学的に若干の検討を加えたので報告する。
The clinical and immunohistopathological stu-dies on nasal papilloma (7 inverted types, 1 ex-ophytic type and 2 mixed types) were reported. There were nine males and one female. The mean age was 56 years old. All cases were operated on surgically and only one case showed recurrence after 14 months without malignant change. Using peroxidase anti-peroxidase method on paraffin sections, two of five patients were positive. The result suggests that human papilloma viruses have been implicated as ethiologic agent of nasal and paranasal papillomas, and we emphasize the ap-plicability of the in situ DNA hybridization tech-nique.

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