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核磁気共鳴画像法(magnetic resonance imaging:MRI)の高性能化は目覚ましく,最近では微細な脳病変や聴神経腫瘍の診断上きわめて有用である,という報告1〜3)が多数みられるようになってきている。しかしながらさらに微細な構造である内耳を描出するためにはさらに高い空間分解能とS/N比の改善が要求され,これまでの静磁場強度の低いMRI装置では困難であった。この点を補い空間分解能を上げるためには特別の耳用の表面コイルの使用が必須4)であった。
Magnetic resonance (MR) appearance of the temporal bone was analyzed with head coils using a 1. 5-tesla magnet whole-body imaging system. MR images were aquired with a spin-echo pulse sequences. The thickness of the sec-tions was 2. 5 mm. T2-weighted images could clear-ly delineate the details of the liquid containing labyrinthine structures and facial nerve with this modality. MR imaging can provide informations unobtainable with CT scan, whether the mem-branous labyrinth is filled with lymphatic fluid or fibrotic tissue, with the proper use of both T1 and T2 sequences. This point is considered to be one of the greatest advantages of MR imaging over high-resolution CT scan in the diagnosis of inner ear disorders.

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