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開放隅角緑内障(POAG)患者の網膜循環動態をVideo-densitometric image analysisの方法を用いて検討した。対象症例は,正常群17例17眼,POAG群18例21眼である。
We investigated the retinal circulation in pri-mary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) using the video-densitometric image analysis of fluorescein angiography. We compared mean circulation time (MCT) between normal group (17 eyes of 17 nor-mal subjects) and POAG group (21 eyes of 18 POAG patients).
MCT in temporal area in POAG group was sig-nificantly prolonged than in normal group (POAG 4.15±2.0vs normal 2.66±1.3 sec:P<0.05). MCT of POAG group was significantly correlated with C/D ratio (r=0.39:P<0.001). In POAG group, the visual field loss was positively correlated with the MCT value.
These results suggested that prolonged retinal circulation might be involved in the pathogenesis of glaucomatous field loss in POAG patients.

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