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(1) POAGは前房隅角のmeshworkを初発の場とするものではない.
3)篩板直後で,有髄で著しく重くなった有髄神経が1)が原因で支えを失って下鼻 側につよく屈曲しこの力が軸索孔を横くずれさせる方向に働き,軸索をしめつげる. 特に3)は飾板の軸索孔を横くずれにっぶす原動力として重要な位澱を占める. 以上から将来は中枢性の眼圧コントロールが治療の本質となることであろうし,すでに飾板に軸索支持力の低下の始まっている場合は,節板後に始まる有髄視神経を下鼻側に屈曲しないように水平に支える形成手術が主体となるものと思われる.それが不能の現在,可能なかぎり早期から眼圧を十分に下降せしめその支持力の低下を防ぐのが最良の策で,初期暗点が出現するまで待つ現行の方法では著しく遅きに失し,進行を停止せしめえないことに留意されねばならない.
Through application of stereophotography of the fundus using 35mm or 60×60mm color film, I could detect the earliest lesion in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) with small but progressive disc cupping and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) ab-normality even in the absence of detectable visual field defects. The paracentral scotoma or the nasal step appeared 5 to 10 years after this stage. Hence, these visual field abnormalities were to be regarded not as the earliest but the more advanced sign of POAG.
A series of 18 cases with assymetrical POAG were evaluated. The advanced eye showed reduced fa-cility of outflow, while the fellow eye in the earli-est stage showed IOP below 20mmHg with normal facility of outbow, indicating the absence of damage in the endothelial meshwork in the chamber angle. These fellow eyes started to show abnormal values of IOP and facility of outflow. These fellow eyes were thus evidently different from simple hyper-secretion glaucoma with IOP elevation as the ini-tial sign. The rise in IOP might be due to a disorder in the IOP control center in the central nervous system. Lesions in the endothelial meshwork in the chamber angle should be considered to be secon-dary changes.
In spite of the generally accepted view that only 10% of eyes with ocular hypertension (OH) develop into POAG in 10 years, I detected glaucomatous RNFL thinning in 90% of 79 eyes with OH. These 90% of OH eyes thus seemed to be POAG in a wider sense. Conversely, the so-called POAG is to be re-garded as only a part of POAG in the wider sense, the former being characterized as a group with more vulnerable optic disc.
From our experimental glaucoma studies in cy-nomolgus monkey, the vulnerability of the optic disc was attributed to the peculiar wall structureof tube-like pores of lamina cribrosa, particularly larger pores with thinner connective tissue. An elevated IOP caused compression of glial tissue of the tube-like pores through which the nerve axons penetrate, resulting in side-bent destruction. As a new conclusive finding, we could demonstrate that the major force to bend the tube-like pores is at-tributed to the downward bending of the heavily medullated axons just behind the lamina cribrosa, due to loosening of the supporting connective tis-sue in the anterior portion of the lamina cribrosa.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.