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We evaluated a consecutive series of 127 cases of presumed sarcoidosis with ocular involvement dur-ing the foregoing 7-year-period. Ocular manifesta-tion was the sole initial clinical feature in 81 cases (group1) and systemic involvement was already present in 46 (group2) . There was a preponderance of females in both groups at the ratio of 2 to 1. Thedistribution as to age showed a peak in the 6th decade in both groups with a second peak in the 3rd decade in group 2. Nodules in the trabeculum or peripheral anterior synechias were the most fre-quent finding in both groups. In cases in group 1 who later proved to be systemically affected, retinal perivasculitis and vitreous opacity simulat-ing snowballs or string of pearls were more com-mon than mutton-fat keratic precipitates, iris nod-ules, or retinochoroidal exudates. Prognosis as to visual acuity was favorable in both groups. There were no differences regarding the pattern or inci-dence of ocular lesions between two groups.

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