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A 51-year-old man had received vitrectomy and lensectomy for intraocular foreign body in his left eye 6 months before. Preliminary to secondary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation, a pars plana infusion port was created. The iris prolapsed during perfusion through an sclerocorneal tunnel. An IOL was inserted and sulcus-fixated without perfusion. Hemorrhagic choroidal detachment and retinal detachment developed immediately. We performed transscleral drainage and replaced the vitreous by sulfur hexafluoride. Hyphema and vitreous hemorrhage occurred later. Choroidal detachment had disappeared when the vitreous was irri-gated 16 days later. The affected eye regained the final visual acuity of 0.9. It appeared that the expulsive cho-roidal hemorrhage was caused by rapid ocular hypotony during IOL insertion without irrigation. Prior vitrec-tomy appeared to be another contributing factor.

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