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(展示232) 糖尿病網膜症経過観察中に,ヘモグロビンA1c (HbA1c)値の急速な是正に伴い網膜動脈分枝閉塞症(branch retinal artery occlusion:BRAO)を併発した3症例を経験した。症例1は49歳の男性で,HbA1c値がBRAO発症前後2.7か月の間に3.8%(1.4%/月)減少していた。症例2は24歳の妊娠14週の女性で,0.93か月で4.0%(4.3%/月)の減少,症例3は48歳の両眼にBRAOが発症した女性で,4.7か月で6.0%(1.3%/月)の減少が認められた。急速なHbA1c値の是正がBRAO発症の誘因になった可能性が考えられた。
We observed 3 cases of diabetic retinopathy who developed branch retinal artery occlusion following rapid normalization of hemoglobin A1c. These cases comprised a 49-year-old male, a 24-year-old pregnant female and a 48-year-old female. Branch retinal artery occlusion occurred when hemoglobin A1c was reduced by 3.8% within 2.7 months in the first case, by 4.0% within 0.93 month in the second and by 6.0% within 4.7 months in the third. These findings show that rapid reduction of hemoglobin A1c may trigger branch retinal artery occlusion in diabetic patients.

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