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A 73-year-old female presented with blurring of vision in her left eye since 10 days before. Her corrected visual acuity was 0.5 right and 0.03 left. Funduscopy showed exudative lesions with retinal edema in the left fundus, leading to the diagnosis of geographic choroiditis. The right eye was funduscopically normal. fluorescein angiography showed normal findings. Indocyanine green (ICG) angiography showed dilatation of major choroidal vessels and hy-perpermeability. The visual acuity in the right eye decreased to 0.15 2 weeks later. Funduscopy showed findings simi-lar to the left eye. ICG angiography showed hypofluorescence in the fundus foci persistent from the early through the late phase. The fundus lesions became stabilized 12 months later. ICG angiography showed hypofluorescence within the atrophic foci and normalization of choroidal vessels. Geographic choroiditis has been claimed to be due to occlusion of choroidal artereies at the precapillary level. The present findings suggest that pathological lesions in the major cho-roidal vessels may be the initial process in this clinical entity.

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