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緑内障35名54眼につき,視野を含む諸所見の変化を平均5.3年間追跡した。嚢性緑内障を含む原発開放隅角緑内障23眼,慢性閉塞隅角緑内障8眼,正常眼圧緑内障23眼である。視野検査にはハンフリー静的視野30-2プログラムを用い,mean deviation (MD)とcorrected pattern standard deviation (CPSD)を検索した。正常眼圧緑内障ではMDが有意に低く(p<0.01),CPSDが有意に高かった(p<0.001)。原発開放隅角緑内障と慢性閉塞隅角緑内障では,MDとCPSDは眼圧と視神経乳頭陥凹の進行に相関しなかった。正常眼圧緑内障では,3眼を除き,眼圧が13mmHg以上の例に視野が進行する傾向があり,MDの低下とCPSD上昇とに相関した(p<0.05,p<0.01)。MD値が—5dB以下,またはCPSDが6dB以上の正常眼圧緑内障では,眼圧を13mmHg以下に維持すべきであると結論される。
We followed up 54 eyes of 35 eyes of glaucoma for an average of 5.3 years. The series comprised primary open-angle glaucoma including capsular glaucoma 23 eyes, chronic closed-angle glaucoma 8 eyes and normal-tension glaucoma 23 eyes. We used a Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer with 30-2 program. Eyes with normal-tension glaucoma showed signifiantly lower values of mean deviation (MD) (p<0.01) and significantly higher values of corrected pattern standard deviation (CPSD) (p<0.001). Neither MD nor CPSD was correlated with the progression of optic disc cupping in primary open-angle or closed-angle glaucoma. There was a tendency for visual field progression in normal-tension glaucoma except in 3 eyes when the intraocular pressure (IOP) was over 13mmHg. Visual field progression was also significantly correlated with lower MD (p<0.05) and higher CPSD (p<0.01). The findings show that the intraocular pressure in normal-tension glaucoma ought to be kept below 13mmHg particularly when the MD is less than -5dB or CPSD is over 6dB.

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