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(G−7AM−3) 1999年2月から5月の3か月間に,済生会新潟第二病院眼科外来通院患者3,790名のうち,身体障害者手帳(視覚)該当者に対しアンケート調査を行った。手帳該当者は42名(該当率1.1%)で,年齢・性差・原因疾患・等級による有意差はなかった。手帳取得者は24名で(取得率57.1%),5名(21%)が「メリットがない」,「体裁が悪い」などの理由で利用したことがなく,利用経験のある19名ではメリットとして交通費・税金などの控除を挙げていた。未取得者は18名で,過半数の10名が手帳を知らず,手帳のことを知っていた8名のうち半数が「手続きが面倒」という理由で取得していなかった。手帳の情報源は,手帳取得者は医師や病院スタッフからが多く,未取得者は友人・知人からが多かった。
Out of a total of 3,790 patients attending the outpatients eye department of our hospital during a 3-month period, 42 patients (1.1%) were identified as eligible for legal registration as visually handicapped persons. Twenty-four patients (57%) were already registered. Five of them found no benefit in being registered. The other 19 patients found the registered status to be beneficial in obtaining discounts in tax and transportation fees. Out of 18 patients who were not registered, 10 did not know that such a system ever existed. The other 8 patients did not register because they felt the procedure to be too cumbersome. Among those who were registered already, the information about the system was mainly supplied by doctors or hospital staff. Among those who were not registered, the information was mainly given by friends or relatives.
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