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A 83-year-old male underwent uneventful cataract surgery followed by endophthalmitis five days later. The affected eye developed severe fibrinous inflammation in the anterior chamber and dense vitreous opacity in spite of medication. The patient was referred to us four days after onset. We performed vitrectomy and removed the intraocular lens the same day. Dense epiretinal white mass with hemorrhage was present as intraoperative finding. The endophthalmitis subsided resulting in the final visual acuity of 0.7. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) was isolated from the removed intraocular lens. Electroretinogram immediately before surgery showed nonrecordable oscillatory potentials with the b-wave/a-wave ratio greater than 1.0. This latter feature appeared to be related to the beneficial postsurgical outcome in spite of severe clinical findings.
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