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(展示89) 播種性血管内凝固(disseminated intravascular coagulatiOn:DIC)を合併した41歳男性の悪性高血圧症患者に両眼性の胞状漿液性網膜剥離がみられ,200/100mmHg前後の高血圧が続くにもかかわらず,血小板数が正常域へ回復するのと一致して漿液性網膜剥離が消退しエルシュニッヒ斑がみられた。漿液性網膜剥離の原因として,悪性高血圧ばかりでなくDICの関与が示唆された。
A 41-year-old male with malignant hypertension and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) developed bullous serous retinal detachment in both eyes. Fluorescein angiography showed Elschnig spots scattered over the fundus. In spite of persistent hypertension of 200/100 mmHg, the serous detachment subsided after the platelet count increased to normal level. It appeared that DIC rather than malignant hypertension was the cause of disturbed choroidal circulation with secondary serous retinal detachment.

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