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ヒルシュベルク法による眼位測定の信頼性を検証する目的で,ビデオ画像計測により,健常者149眼のヒルシュベルク換算値を検討した。ヒルシュベルク換算値は正規分布を示し,平均値±標準偏差は12.3±1.2°/mm (21.8±2.1プリズムジオプター/mm),レンジは9.9〜15.6°/mmであった。換算値は水平方向の角膜曲率半径との間に負の相関(r=-0.5)を示したが,等価球面屈折度数,年齢との相関は有意でなかった。得られたヒルシュベルク換算値は平均値としては理論値に一致するものの,換算値の個体差により,平均値を全症例に適用して眼位ずれを見積もると大きな系統誤差を招く可能性がある。
To verify the reliability of the Hirschberg measurement, the Hirschberg conversion ratios of 149 normal eyes were investigated using a video-based technique. The ratios were almost normally distributed and the mean±S.D. value was 12.3±1.2 degrees/mm (21.8±2.1prism diopters/mm), and the range was from 9.9 to 15.6 degrees/mm. There was a negative correlation (r=-0.5) between the conversion ratio and the radius of anterior corneal surface. Neither the refractive errors nor the ages of the subjects affected the conversion ratio significantly. Although the mean conversion ratio we found corresponded to the theoreti-cally predicted value, intra-subjective variation of the conversion ratio can make a serious systematic error in the estimation of the strabismic angle in cases where the mean conversion ratio was applied to all subjects.

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