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高血圧性眼底出血とMRIによる脳血管性病変の相関について検討した。その結果,網膜出血群では網膜非出血群に比べ高率に脳血管性病変を認めた。そのうち最大径1.5cmより大きい脳出血・脳梗塞の占める割合には差はみられなかったが,最大径1.5cm以下のlacunar infarctionの占める割合は,網膜出血群のほうが網膜非出血群より有意に多かった。また加齢に伴い脳血管性病変の占める割合も増加した。脳血管性病変の存在部位は穿通枝域に多くみられた。網膜出血を伴う高血圧患者では,脳血管性病変の頻度が高く,MRIによる検索がすすめられる。
We performed magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, in 46 patients with hypertensive retinopathy. Retinal hemorrhage was present in 21 patients and absent in 25. MRI led to detection of cerebral hemorrhage or infarction with or without lacunar infarction in 30 cases, 65%. The incidence of cerebral vascular lesions increased with advancing age. Cases with retinal hemorrhages showed a higher incidence, 91%, of cerebral vascular lesions larger than those without retinal hemorrhages, 44%. There was no difference between the two groups regarding the incidence of cerebral vascular lesions greater than 15 mm. Lacunar infarction was more frequent in cases with retinal hemorrhage, 62%, than in those without, 16%.

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