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転移性脈絡膜腫瘍の自験例7例を検討した。その頻度は当科における眼科領域の悪性腫瘍性疾患の23%にあたり,発症は50〜70歳台で,男性2例,女性5例であった。右眼,左眼ともに3例で両眼性のものは1例。原発巣は肺癌4例,乳癌,胃癌,子宮癌が各1例であった。眼症状を初発としたものは3例で,いずれも肺癌の症例であった。全例でそれぞれの腫瘍マーカーが異常値を示し,初診時より10日〜10か月の間に5例が死亡していた。今後より正確な検討を加えるためには,担癌患者に対してprospective studyを施行することが重要と思われた。
We observed 7 cases of metastatic choroidal tumor during the foregoing 9-year period. They represented 23.3% of all malignancies in the eye and orbit during the same period. The 7 cases wereaged 51 to 77 years, average 61.6 years. There were 2 male and 5 female. Right eye only was involved in 3, left eye in 3 and both eyes in 1. The primary tumor was located in the lung in 4 cases, breast 1, stomach 1 and uterus 1. Ocular metastatis was the initial clinical sign in 3. All these metastases were from pulmonary carcinoma. All cases showed ele-vated values of tumor markers. Death ensued in 10 days to 10 months in 5 cases.

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