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要約 目的:網膜血管増殖性腫瘍(VPT)は比較的稀な疾患であり,無症候性のものから,続発性の黄斑上膜(ERM)や滲出性変化によって視機能が障害されるものまで多様である。今回筆者らは,VPTに合併したERMが光凝固によって消失した症例を経験したので報告する。
所見:初診時視力は(0.7)であり,眼底の耳下側に1乳頭径大の腫瘤性病変を認めた。光干渉断層計ではERMを認めた。腫瘤の拡張・蛇行した流入・流出血管が目立たないことや片眼性であることからVPTが疑われた。蛍光眼底造影検査を考慮したが,授乳中であることから患者の希望もあり施行しなかった。鑑別疾患としてvon Hippel-Lindau病が挙げられ,遺伝学的検査を施行したが結果は陰性であった。以上のことからVPTと診断し,受診から1週間後に腫瘍および流入・流出血管に対して光凝固を施行した。受診から1か月後にERMは消失しており,2か月後には腫瘍の器質化を認めた。視力は(1.0)まで改善を認めたため,受診から4か月後に終診となった。
Abstract Purpose:Retinal vasoproliferative tumors(VPT)are relatively rare, and range from being asymptomatic to those with secondary epiretinal membrane(ERM)or exudative changes that impair visual function. We report a case of VPT complicated with ERM that resolved by photocoagulation.
Case:A 29-year-old female patient, breastfeeding a 2-month-old infant, was referred to our clinic after a visit to her nearby clinic, who had initially diagnosed her with decreased left visual acuity and altered vision.
Findings:Her visual acuity was(0.7)at the time of initial examination, and the fundus revealed a mass lesion the size of one papilla on the lower-temporal side. Optical coherence tomography showed ERM. A differential diagnosis of VPT was made because of the inconspicuous and unilocular nature of the dilated tortuous inflow and outflow vessels to the mass. Although, a fluoroscopic funduscopic examination was suggested, the patient refused it as she was breastfeeding. A genetic test for von Hippel-Lindau disease revealed negative results. Therefore, VPT was finally confirmed, and photocoagulation was performed on the tumor as well as the inflow and outflow vessels, 1 week after the patient's visit. On 1 month follow-up, the ERM had resolved, and 2 months later, the tumor had regressed. Since the patient's visual acuity improved to(1.0), the treatment was terminated after 4 months.
Conclusion:Since there is no established treatment protocol for VPT, the background and disease status of the individual must be considered while planning the treatment.

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