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要約 目的:急性閉塞隅角症におけるチン小帯障害の臨床的特徴について検討する。
結果:術中チン小帯障害を認めたものは34眼中27眼,うち12眼がIOL縫着に至った。毛様体小帯断裂の最好発部は耳側であった。チン小帯障害高リスク群の18眼中8眼で,外傷歴,落屑症候群,隅角所見の部位差のいずれかを認めていた。また発作解除前の状態では,高リスク群では低リスク群に比較してACDは有意に浅く(1.21mm vs 1.46mm),僚眼とのACD差(1.05mm vs 0.33mm)および眼軸長(23.8mm vs 22.2mm)に有意差を認めた。
Abstract Objective:To investigate the clinical features of Zinn's membrane damage in acute angle closure.
Subjects and Methods:A retrospective study of 36 eyes of 31 patients with acute angle closure who visited our department between January 2017 and January 2022. Thirty-four eyes that underwent primary or secondary cataract surgery were classified into the high-risk group(18 eyes)and low-risk group(16 eyes)depending on the intraoperative ciliary zonule damage and intraocular lens(IOL)fixation. Preoperative background factors, ultrasound biomicroscopy or anterior segment optical coherence tomography(OCT)findings of the angle, central anterior chamber depth(ACD), and axial length were compared between the two groups.
Results:Intraoperative Zinn's membrane damage was observed in 27 of 34 eyes, 12 of which underwent in suture fixation of an IOL. The most common site of zonular dialysis was the temporal side. 8 of 18 eyes in the high-risk group had either a history of trauma, exfoliation syndrome, or regional differences in angle findings. Compared with the low-risk group, the high-risk group showed a significantly shallower ACD(1.21 mm vs 1.46 mm), larger difference in the ACD of fellow eyes(1.05 mm vs 0.33 mm), and longer axial length(23.8 mm vs 22.2 mm).
Conclusions:Zinn's membrane damage is not uncommon in eyes with acute angle closure. The evaluation of ACD, the difference between the ACD of fellow eyes, and axial length may be useful for predicting Zinn's membrane damage.
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