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要約 目的:上皮型ヘルペス角膜炎が実質型ないし内皮型へ移行する際の,臨床的背景の関連について検討したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report on the background of clinical shift from epithelial herpetic keratitis to stromal or endothelial keratitis.
Materials and Methods:From January 2019 to March 2021, 55 patients 55 eyes who were diagnosed with epithelial herpetic keratitis at Fukuoka University Hospital were divided into two groups:cases cured only as the epithelial type(remission group)and cases who changed to stromal or endothelial keratitis types during the clinical course(transition group). Patient medical records were retrospectively evaluated for sex;age;follow-up period;use of corticosteroids locally or systemically at the onset of primary epithelial lesion;and history of herpetic keratitis, keratoplasty, diabetes mellitus or atopic dermatitis.
Results:The remission group consisted of 41 patients 41 eyes with a mean(±standard deviation)age of 66.1±19.0 years. The transition group consisted of 14 patients 14 eyes with a mean age of 62.6±16.2 years, with no significant difference between the two groups. The mean follow-up period was 542.9(±394.7)days in the remission group and 291.3(±309.2)days in the transition group, which was significantly longer in the remission group(p<0.05). History of herpes keratitis was significantly more in the transition group(10/14 eyes, 71%)than in the remission group(11/41 eyes, 27%)(p<0.01). The average number of recurrences of herpetic keratitis was 0.73 in the remission group and 2.57 in the transition group, showing a significant inter-group difference(p<0.01). The history of keratoplasty was significantly more in the remission group(19/41 eyes, 46%)than in the transition group(1/14 eyes, 7%)(p<0.01). No significant difference was observed between the two groups regarding the use of corticosteroids locally or systemic routes, and the history of diabetes mellitus or atopic dermatitis.
Conclusions:Cases of herpetic keratitis with multiple recurrences usually tend to transition to other types of keratitis, such as endothelial or stromal types. In our study, we also found that in patients with a history of keratoplasty, the tendency to transition to stromal or endothelial types of keratitis is less, and cases are more likely to recur as epithelial type.

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