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要約 目的:愛媛県立中央病院眼科における過去10年間の未熟児網膜症(ROP)に対する網膜光凝固術(PC)とラニビズマブ硝子体注射(IVR)の有効性について後ろ向きに比較検討した。
結果:両群の出生体重,在胎週数,全身合併症の割合に差はなかったが,治療時の重症度に有意差があり,IVR群:PC群の眼数はstage 2で10:2,stage 3 mildで41:45,stage 3 moderateで3:7,stage 3 severeで0:2であった(p=0.021)。病変の位置と範囲におけるIVR群:PC群の眼数はzone Ⅰが2:2,posterior zone Ⅱが31:18,anterior zone Ⅱが27:40であった(p=0.037)。入院期間はIVR群22.3週,PC群19週で,IVR群で有意に長かった(p=0.0358)。再治療不要率はIVR群80.0%,PC群86.7%で,両群間に有意差はなかった(p=0.463)。IVR群再治療関連因子(再治療なし:再治療あり)として,挿管期間(29.0日:39.0日,p=0.008),治療時の血管進展がposterior zone Ⅱ以内(47.9%:83.3%,p=0.049),初回治療週数(36.6週:33.5週,p<0.001)で差があった。
Abstract Purpose:We retrospectively compared the efficacy of intravitreal ranibizumab(IVR)monotherapy with the efficacy of conventional photocoagulation(PC)therapy for retinopathy of prematurity(ROP)in the past decade.
Cases and method:Sixty eyes(30 infants)with primary IVR(median birth weight:769 g, median postmenstrual age:25.8 weeks)and 60 eyes(30 infants)with primary PC(median birth weight:746 g, median postmenstrual age:25.9 weeks)were enrolled. We compared the efficacy between IVR and PC, birth weight, postmenstrual age, treatment weeks, ROP characteristics, number of not needing retreatment until 6 months after primary treatment, and days of hospitalization. Additionally, we assessed the differences between retreatment(group F)or not(group S)in IVR group.
Results:Though systemic baseline characteristics, including birth weight and postmenstrual age, were well balanced between study groups, ROP characteristics were significantly different[stage 2;10:2, 3 mild;41:45, 3 moderate;3:7, 3 severe;0:2(IVR:PC, p=0.021), zone Ⅰ;2:2, posterior zone Ⅱ;31:18, anterior zone Ⅱ;27:40(IVR:PC, p=0.037)]. No significant difference was seen in the number of the patients who did not need retreatment between IVR and PC groups. There were significant differences in factors related to retreatment in the IVR group:intubation duration(days, S:F=29.0:39.0, p=0.008), vascular extension within posterior zone Ⅱ(%, S:F=47.9:83.3, p=0.049), and treatment weeks(weeks, S:F=36.6:33.5, p<0.001).
Conclusion:The efficacy of IVR was comparable with that of PC. Patients with a high risk of recurrence require careful follow-up.

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