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対象と方法:2009年からの10年間に,兵庫医科大学病院眼科で,内方回旋斜視に対して斜視手術を施行した29例(手術時年齢:中央値58歳)を対象とした。内方回旋偏位の測定には大型弱視鏡を,立体視検査にはTitmus Stereo Testを用いた。内方回旋斜視の背景と手術成績について後ろ向きに検討した。
Abstract Purpose:To report the characteristics and surgical outcomes in patients with incyclotorsion.
Subjects and methods:Twenty-nine patients(median age at surgery:58 years)who underwent strabismus surgery to correct incyclotorsion at Hyogo College of Medicine Hospital over a decade from 2009 were recruited. Incyclotorsion was measured by major amblyoscope and stereopsis was measured by Titmus Stereo Test. We investigated the backgrounds and surgical outcomes for patients with incyclotorsion.
Results:The causative diseases included oculomotor palsy in 7 cases, myogenic strabismus in 5 cases, myasthenia graves in 4 cases, adhesive strabismus in 4 cases, constant exotropia after cataract surgery in 3 cases, congenital strabismus in 2 cases, blowout fracture in 1 case, and unknown in 3 cases. Preoperatively, incyclotorsion was on average 9.5±4.5°, and 26 cases were complicated with exotropia and 15 cases with vertical deviation of over 10 PD. Stereopsis showed Fly(−)in 23 cases(79.3%). Temporal transposition of inferior rectus was performed in 11 cases(bilateral:1 case), nasal transposition of superior rectus in 9 cases(bilateral:1 case), vertical muscle horizontal transposition in 2 cases and vertical transposition of horizontal muscles in 7 cases. Postoperatively, incyclotorsion decreased significantly with an average of 2.0±3.2°(p=0.0020)and stereopsis improved in Fly(−)in 8 cases. Diplopia was present in 27 cases preoperatively, and eliminated in 22 cases(81.5%)after surgery. Diplopia remained in 5 cases(18.5%), including 4 cases of oculomotor palsy.
Conclusion:Oculomotor palsy was a major cause of strabismus with incyclotorsion. Horizontal transposition of vertical rectus muscle was effective to correct incyclotorsion.

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