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要約 目的:滲出性網膜剝離を伴った網膜海綿状血管腫の症例の報告。症例:15歳男性が左眼視力で近医を受診し,網膜の血管異常で当科へ紹介され受診した。所見:矯正視力は右1.2,左0.3で,眼底には耳上側と耳下側にぶどうの房状の血管腫と,これに連続して後極部に及ぶ滲出性網膜剝離があった。蛍光眼底造影で血管瘤に血漿血球分離があり,海綿状血管腫と診断した。血管腫に黄色レーザーによる直接光凝固を行い,6週後に網膜剝離は消失した。3か月後には視力が1.0になり,1年後の現在まで再発はない。結論:滲出性網膜剝離を伴う網膜海綿状血管腫への直接光凝固は有効であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of cavernous hemangioma of the retina with exudative retinal detachment. Case:A 15-year-old male was referred to us for failing vision due to exudative retinal detachment. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and 0.3 left. The left eye showed hemangioma simulating cluster of grapes in the superior and inferior temporal periphery with retinal detachment extending to the posterior fundus. Fluorescein angiography showed plasma-erythrocyte layering in some of the saccular aneurysms, leading to the diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma of the retina. Photocoagulation using yellow dye laser was followed by disappearance of retinal detachment 6 weeks later. Visual acuity improved to 1.0 three months after treatment. There has been no recurrence for one year until present. Conclusion:Laser photocoagulation applied to hemangioma induced resolution of exudative retinal detachment.

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