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要約 目的:黄斑円孔網膜剝離に対して行った硝子体手術に用いたタンポナーデ物質別の結果の報告。対象と方法:過去8年間に手術を行った強度近視に伴う黄斑円孔網膜剝離43例43眼を対象とした。男性5眼,女性38眼で,年齢は53〜84歳,平均69歳である。初回手術として内境界膜剝離を併用する硝子体手術を行い,タンポナーデには,11眼に六フッ化硫黄(SF6),20眼に八フッ化プロパン(C3F8),12眼にシリコーンオイルを用いた。シリコーンオイルは全例で抜去した。術後の成績は,3〜69か月,平均31か月後に判定した。結果:初回網膜復位は,43眼中35眼(81%)で得られた。初回網膜復位率,黄斑円孔閉鎖率,視力変化率,眼軸長と網膜復位率との関係は,いずれも3群間に有意差はなく,術後の腹臥位日数のみがSF6群で有意に短かった。結論:黄斑円孔網膜剝離に対する硝子体手術では,使用するタンポナーデ物質の種類は初回手術の成績に影響せず,術後の腹臥位日数のみがSF6群で有意に短かった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of surgery for macular hole retinal detachment using either of 3 tamponade substances. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 43 eyes of 43 cases that received surgery for macular hole retinal detachment in the past 8 years. The series comprised 5 males and 38 females. The age ranged from 53 to 84 years, average 69 years. All the eyes had high myopia and received vitrectomy with peeling of internal limiting membrane. Sulfur hexafluoride(SF6)was used in 11 eyes for tamponade, propane fluoride(C3F8)in 20 eyes, and silicone oil in 12 eyes. Surgical outcome was evaluated after an average of 31 months. Results:The retina became reattached in 35 eyes(81%)after initial surgery. No significant difference was present among the 3 groups regarding:rate of initial reattachment, closure of macular hole, changes in visual acuity, or the axial length. Duration of prone positioning after surgery was significantly shorter in eyes that received sulfur hexafluoride. Conclusion:Outcome of initial surgery for macular hole retinal detachment was not dependent on the tamponade substances. Cases receiving sulfur hexafluoride showed shorter duration of prone positioning after surgery.
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