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要約 目的:先天赤緑色覚異常の色誤認の頻度と特徴を,色票に対する色名呼称検査により検討した。
Abstract Purpose: To report the frequency and characteristics of color confusion in congenital color defective persons by the color naming method.
Cases and Method: This study was conducted on 723 persons with ages ranging from 20 to 40. The series comprised 109 protanopes, 255 deuteranopes, 102 protanomalies, 209 deuteranomalies, and 48 persons with normal color vision. They were asked to choose the name of the color from 11 basic color names to identify 53 cards that included 12 hues with 4 tones and five phases of lightness in achromatic color.
Results: The erroneous answer rate was 36.3% of protanope, deuteranope 29.6%, protanomaly 11.5%, deuteranomaly 8.3%, normal color vision 1.0%. It was highest from dichromat to anomalous trichromat to normal color vision(p<0.01). Protan was higher than deutan(p<0.01).
Conclusions: It is important for color defective persons to comprehend the frequency and characteristics of color confusion. They should be instructed to have a proper understanding of this knowledge.
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