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要約 目的:緑内障に対するエクスプレス®挿入を,単独または白内障手術と同時に行った際の早期成績の比較。対象と方法:緑内障に対してエクスプレス®を挿入した24例29眼を対象とした。17眼には単独,11眼には白内障手術を同時に行った。単独群の17眼中12眼にはすでに眼内レンズが挿入されていた。術後6か月までの眼圧,点眼スコア,生存率を両群で比較した。結果:術前の眼には両群間に有意差がなかった。手術6か月後の眼圧は,単独群では12.4mmHg,白内障手術群では13.5mmHgで,有意差がなかった(p=0.481)。点眼スコアはそれぞれ1.6と2.0で,術前よりも有意に低下し,両群間に有意差がなかった。術後の眼圧が5mmHg以下または22mmHg以上,または眼圧の下降率が20%未満を不成功とした時の成功率は,それぞれ88.2%と81.8%で,両群間に有意差がなかった。結論:緑内障に対するエクスプレス®挿入の6か月後の成績は,同時白内障手術の有無とは関係しなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To present the short-term outcome after insertion of Ex-PRESSTM device with or without simultaneous cataract surgery. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 29 eyes of 24 patients who received insertion of Ex-PRESSTM device for glaucoma. Surgery was made as independent procedure in 17 eyes and simultaneous with cataract surgery in 11 eyes. Cases were followed up for 6 months after insertion. Results:There was no difference in intraocular pressure(IOP)between the two groups before surgery. IOP 6 months after surgery averaged 12.4 mmHg in single-procedure group and 13.5 mmHg in simultaneous cataract surgery group. The difference was not significant(p=0.481). Medication score averaged 1.6 and 2.0 respectively. The values decreased after surgery. The difference was not significant. When IOP reduction below 5 mmHg or elevation over 22 mmHg, or reduction of IOP less than 20% of preoperative level was defined as failure, the success rate was 88.2% and 81.8% respectively with no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion:Outcome after insertion of Ex-PRESSTM device was the same with or without simultaneous cataract surgery.

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