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鉄片による右眼穿孔性眼外傷をきたした48歳の男性に対し,受傷当日に経硝子体的に異物除去を,水晶体全摘出術を1週後に施行した。左眼には異常所見なく,右眼に軽度の虹彩毛様体点が認められた。術後35日目に,両眼眼底にいわゆる夕焼け状眼底の出現を認めた。また,7ヵ月目以降,左眼後極部に,繰り返し限局性の漿液性網膜剥離が発症した。さらに,Leopard spot類似の顆粒状網膜下色素沈着の出現を認めた。
A 48-year-old male suffered from perforating injury by a flying piece of iron through the cornea in his right eye. We removed the foreign body through the pars plana and extracted the traumat-ized lens using standard procedure. The postsur-gical course was uneventful except for persistence of slight iridocyclitis in the affected eye. Seven weeks after injury, we observed diffuse depig-mentation in the fundus in both eyes, closely simulating 'sunset glow fundus'. From the seventh month on, circumscribed serous retinal detachment recurred in the posterior fundus in the left eye. Fluorescein angiographic finding suggested sub-macular neovascularization. Laser photocoagula-tion led to disappearance of retinal detachment. We diagnosed the case as sympathetic ophthalmia without manifest clinical signs of uveitis.
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