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手術は全例scleral buckling法を行い,そのうち輪状締結術の必要例が多くあった。再手術を要したのは6眼で,平均手術回数は1.47回であり,最終的に全例復位し,手術成績は良好であった。硝子体手術の適応例はなかった。
We treated 19 eyes, 15 cases, of rhegmatogenousretinal detachment associated with atopic dermati-tis during the foregoing 6-year period. There was aclear tendency for the condition to increase duringthe period. Retinal detachment occurred unilater-ally in 10 cases and bilaterally in 5. The ages of thepatients averaged 20 years. Cataract was present in13 cases and 9 were aphakic.
We found two types of retinal detachment as-sociated with atopic dermatitis. The first type wascharacterized by rather flat retinal detachment,vitreous opacity, marked retinal edema towards theperiphry, and presence of retinal breaks in the mostperiphery, and presence of retinal breaks in themost peripheral fundus. The other type simulatedjuvenile type of retinal detachment with latticedegeneration along the equator. This type differedfrom the juvenile type by its tendency to develop atan earlier age. We thus concluded that the formerwas etiologically closely related with atopic cata-ract.cling. We recommend detailed fundus examinationafter cataract surgery in cases with atopic dermati-tis.

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