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A 51-year-old female presented with central scotoma in her left eye. She had been suffering from poorly controlled systemic hypertension over the foregoing 20 years.
We detected the presence of macular edema and arterial macroaneurysm of one-half disc diameter (DD) along the superior temporal artery in her left eye. We observed, additionally, the presence of macroaneurysm 1/3 DD on the optic disc in the left eye and three macroaneurysm of 1/4 DD on theoptic disc in the right eye. Spontaneous resolution of retinal hemorrhage and macular edema resulted 7 months later in the left eye with improvement in vision.
Four years and 6 months later, the prepapillary macroaneurysms increased in size to 1 DD in both eyes. They then later changed the color to gradu-ally become yellowish-white. Branch retinal artery occlusion developed in the right eye later. These changes seemed to reflect spontaneous regression of the macroaneurysm.
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