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グラモキソン® による眼障害を生じた14例14眼について報告した.原液を稀釈中にその飛沫が入った例が多く,受傷後,眼症状や眼所見が極期に達するまでに数日を要する点に特徴があった.受傷後早期には瞼結膜と球結膜の充血のみがみられても,数日して結膜の偽膜形成,角膜の浮腫と浸潤を伴うびまん性表層角膜炎,上皮剥離およびデスメ膜皺襞形成,さらには虹彩炎などを生じた例が多かった.
We observed 14 eyes, 14 cases, of ocular injury by direct contact with paraquat, a herbicide. In the majority of cases the accident occurred while pre-paring diluted solution from concentrated one.Characteristically, it took an average of 4 days before signs and symptoms reached its peak. While mild conjunctival injection was the sole symptom soon after the accident, the ocular injury progres-sed, during the ensuing few days, to form conjun-ctival pseudomembrane, corneral erosion with edema and folds of Descemet's membrane, and iritis. The prognosis was favorable and all the caseshealed without scar formation. Protective eyeglas-ses seemed to be imperative in preventing direct contact with the solution.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(8) : 1003-1006,1988

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