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新しい前嚢切開法であるcircular cap-sulectomyの方法と特徴について述べた.この方法はディスポ針を用いて前嚢を連続的な曲線により円形に切離する方法であり,チン氏帯もふくめた水晶体嚢の本来の形態(integrity)を温存し得るため,眼内レンズの嚢内固定をより安全で確実なものにする.従来問題のあったsoft material眼内レンズを物理的に嚢内に固定(physical fixa-tion)するには理想的な手術手段であると考えた.
We devised a new technique of circular cap-sulectomy in extracapsular cataract extraction. It consists in cutting and separating the anterior lens capsule along a continuous circle with a disposable needle. This method allows integrity of the zonules and the remaining lens capsule, so that theintraocular lens can be fixed in the capsular bag more safely and firmly. It incurs minimal damage to the remaining lens capsule and results in so -called physical fixation as compared to the hither-to current fixation with scar formation. The circu-lar capsulectomy is expected to be an ideal method to ensure in-the-bag implantation of soft material intraocular lenses.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Cphthalmol 42(8) : 909-912, 1988

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